July 15, 2003

Cell Phones and Safety

I counted a total of 14 people driving like complete morons on my way to work this morning that were too busy yapping away on their cell phones to worry about small details like staying in their own lane. It's time to make this punishable with a hefty fine.

Posted by Christian at July 15, 2003 10:14 AM |

Welcome back, jj. :)

Posted by: Christian Romney at July 17, 2003 10:10 AM

You know in some countries if you get caught drinking and driving they shoot you on the side of the road...to harsh?

Let’s spawn a topic from the blog, shall we?

Technology was supposed to improve our quality of life, cut down our work load, relieve the stress on the environment, and simplify our lives. Has it?

I say no! I am expected to produce more, reply to more emails because the systems are faster, reply to the email sooner because it is being delivered to my blackberry, manage more projects because the software is better, connect more devices to each other so I can communicate with all my customer base more efficiently, gather real-time data via satellite, I beep, I buzz, I vibrate, I chirp, I play MP3’s, I display multimedia at a whim...will it ever slow down?

Think about the changes are generation has been through...8 track, Records, CD's, Picture Disks, PDA's, DVD’s, Digital Media, Mp3's, to only mention a few. The list goes on and on.

Remember the 386, the 486, the p75? Now we have 3GHz pc's that are half the size and we still want more. Now, 256 MB video cards are hitting the market, can I even use all that? It is impossible to keep up!

So to conclude and tie this all back in to the cell phone. We seem to have just added more features, which mean more distractions. But hey, now you can use your cell phone to take a picture of your middle finger and send it to the guy who is veering into your lane.

As with all the other technologies I mentioned, they seem to be leading us into a self centered world where all we care about is reading some device as the content streams its way in...argh!

jj is back...did you miss me? You need a little controversy in your blog ;)

Posted by: at July 16, 2003 01:31 AM
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