June 10, 2004

Technorati is cool

According to Technorati, I'm ranked 106,422 of 2,681,383. Let me analyze what this means to me. It sucks to be in the 75th percentile when you're used to being in the 98th or better. My blog currently has 6 inbound blogs. I'm very flattered that 6 people have taken the time to add me to their blogrolls. In the blogosphere, blogroll links are a vote of confidence and credibility. So, thanks to (in no particular order): , Chris Andersen, , Richard Tallent, and Jeff Julian.

Now, stopping to consider this for a moment it means that 75% of all blogs watched by Technorati have less than 6 inbound permanent links. This seems to confirm that most of us are writing because we like the sound of our own voice the look of our own text.

Now playing: Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started (Spike Mix) (Elephunk)

Posted by Christian at June 10, 2004 05:13 PM |
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